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The hub for essays on topics that explore concepts regarding games, anime, and manga.

Website Update – Oct 2022

Reading Time: 2 min read

Another year is passing through and coincidentally we are in time for another website update.

As most of you have seen, the updates for the blog are incredibly sporadic. I used to post on a bi-weekly basis but have slowed to months apart without writing anything. I do not regularly post updates on when the next article will be ready because it sounds impractical. Hyping up something before it is finished was never a practice I could use correctly. So instead, I finish my writing and post it when it is done.

With that excuse out of the way, this still points towards the lack of updates, and I offer a solution. A solution titled, QB Quick Thoughts. Self-branding ignored, these quick posts will center around 500 word or less posts. They will cover things that I have recently seen, played, or read. Potentially, they may involve upcoming projects that I may throw my proverbial two cents in. These types of posts will also be more contemporary with current events involving entertainment. They will be similar to my earlier month of anticipation posts but will be way less formal.

These quick thoughts will thankfully not be critiques. Simple ravings of a mad man who revels in overthinking on something that he has watched or played. I plan to stick to my personal motto of not becoming a critic because I could not imagine nitpicking a movie for every single scene and tear it down to give it a score. I tend to do it if verbally off the website but putting the energy to write in the lens of a critic would be annoying for me.

The quick posts are to fill in the gap for future essays about subjects that I care about. And hopefully about subjects you care about too. Short stories will make a return next year as well. I have the concepts that I want to write but of course when coming close to writing the story I get lazy, I mean, delve further into the outlining phase.

Overall, the objective for this blog remains the same. Writing about games, movies, anime, and other fictional entertainment will be the focus. The quick thoughts may have their own section in the future but overall serve as filler for the essays. I am terrible of advertising myself but cannot thank you all enough for taking the time to read my posts. I am excited for the future of writing for this website and appreciate all of you for sticking by my infrequent writing updates.

The Appeal of the Third Act of a Crime Film

Reading Time: 4 min read

A sentence that I am fond of saying during 2022 is that I have watched Scarface for the first time. Not reflective of my opening, but this will not be a long-winded analysis of the widely acclaimed 1983 classic. This essay is to address a key section of crime dramas that hits with a formulaic precision regardless of the film, the third act. Relating to the eventual downfall of the characters/organization and twists that cement the finale is the movie’s strongest portion. Whether the gangster movie are classics like New Jack City or Goodfellas, the third act is where it counts. This is the period of the movie that cements its legacy because it illustrates how one can burn too bright.

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Jujutsu Kaisen is Perfect Fighting Game Material

Reading Time: 4 min read

Anime to video game adaptations possess slim options. These adaptions are either developed into an arena battle fighter or a sandbox game to explore the anime’s universe. Shonen anime such as Naruto and Dragon Ball Z have maintained an immense library of games dedicated to the sub-genres. However, a rare occasion amongst the adaptations occurs when popular series are envisioned as fighting games. A 2D game with flashy visuals and fan service through an array of moves. I cannot think of a better series that translates better as a fighting game than Jujutsu Kaisen.

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Morbius Has Two Post Credit Scenes!?

Reading Time: 2 min read

The theatrical release of Sony Picture’s Morbius has certainly… made a movie for awaiting Marvel fans. What was unexpected of the movie was having not one but TWO post credit scenes. The first scene depicting lethal vampire hunter, Blade, filing his taxes. After a two-minute credit reel, a second post credit scene revealed a bombshell. Morbius is the first Marvel movie to leak the upcoming roster for Capcom’s Marvel vs Capcom 4: Worlds Collide.

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Is Rollback Netcode the Answer for Fighting Games?

Reading Time: 5 min read

Fighting games can die. At least, that is the illusion a community can paint without diligent care for a game. Our social media age can influence a gathering with a screenshot without context and pass as facts. In this case, fighting games that have suffered from the lack of smooth net code have always been dealt with growing fatigue. Sure, the game you are describing to your friends is fun but is it playable online? A haunting question that plagued the fighting game community (FGC) for years that has finally been exorcised. Rollback netcode is the future, but what will be of its longevity?

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Website Update – Oct 2021

Reading Time: < 1 min read

Hello, all. A quick update, I updated the site!

Nothing too fancy. Made a proper homepage because the default before hand was the Posts. Included a Newsletter page to make the old subscriber menu less in-your-face. Added a dark mode because what was I thinking?

I also got around to learn about SEO and got the website verified. In short, QB the Great Blog should be showing up on google more organically outside Facebook and Twitter. Why yes, it did take me a whole year to figure out. Thanks for asking.

I have more plans in the mix but I wanted to update the normal crowd of the changes to the website. Thanks for bearing with any mistakes.

Modern JRPGs are Easier

Reading Time: 4 min read

Japanese role-playing games (JRPGs) are famous for timeless designs, jaw-dropping abilities, and memorable storylines. Coincidentally, JRPGs also have an infamous reputation due to their substantial length. This juggernaut of a genre packs content and side quests for players to immerse themselves. While old JRPGs certainly made the virtual grind adventurous, modern games have opt for a friendlier tone.

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When Does a Side Mission Matter?

Reading Time: 4 min read

It has happened to you before. You are cruising along the first hour of the game you picked up and the option finally appears. Long gone are the singular, “Talk to …” mission or “Move to this area” objective. You are finally tasked with continuing the story or delving into the notorious side mission. An excursion that will either heighten your enjoyment or bore you with busy work. While other elements can spell for success or failure, the allure of a side mission is paramount.

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Martial Arts Manga: Technical Skill vs Supernatural Ability

Reading Time: 4 min read

Throughout the fighting genre of manga there are countless examples of jaw-dropping abilities and fights. Both the caliber of fighters along with their techniques can make for memorable storylines. Having read my fair share of fighting manga, I wanted to classify the sub-genres I noticed during my reading. The feats/abilities in a martial arts manga range from realistic to outright illogical. I aim to talk about the elements that create the sub-genres between technical and supernatural fighting.

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Amazon’s Invincible Adaption is Incredible

Reading Time: 3 min read

Adaptations from books or comics has always put me in a weary state. Simultaneously, I am excited to experience the series in a new light yet dread improper execution. I understand that everything cannot be done to the minute details due to hampering a show’s run time. However, when major details change, I find myself between mildly and greatly annoyed at the unnecessary changes. Thankfully, Amazon’s adaptation provides a fun and refreshing air to Image Comics Invincible.  

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