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Hello and welcome to the first post for my blog, QB the Great. As far as what to expect from my posts are a combination of thoughts and reviews on video games, movies, anime, books as well as the occasional philosophical thought. The general aim is to be contemporary based with the content I post, however, I will occasionally talk about media of old for that niche, nostalgic mood. Other posts will be dedicated to fictional short stories that I plan to write to satisfy my old fanfiction itch.
The long-term goal is to update either weekly or bi-weekly at the very least. Also, reviews for the most part will not be critic orientated. My aspiration is to write what excited me or what could have been more stimulating if the content fell short. The reasoning for that is the partaking in criticism is easy but appreciating the silver lining is harder to practice. Not to mention that there is a plethora of content makers that produce videos/blogs of criticizing fictional media by the day. Taking that into consideration, providing feedback on this blog is always welcomed. I can only get better with the help of others.
Taking all that into account, I greatly appreciate you for taking the time to check out my blog. I will be writing for future readers in mind, but I will always blog about what I want to cover. My overall purpose is to produce written content that I enjoy and hopeful strike a figurative chord with my potential readers. Join me in my journey and let us dive into the mediums that make us happy.